Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tesla Motors - High Performance Electric Sports Car

Recently I came across what I would consider a huge leap forward for the planet - proof that our addiction to petroleum-based fuels has a rehab program: the resurgence of the electric car. Now this is not anything new by any stretch - electric vehicles have been around for quite some time now. However, a very smart, very well funded startup has emerged from Silicon Valley that will change the way we look at small, low performance, short ranged electric vehicles of days past.

Tesla Motors have invented and developed The Tesla. This battery-powered sex-on-wheels not only looks fantastic, it apparently outperforms similar petrol-powered counterparts. And if you charge this thing using solar power - your running fuel costs are exactly ZERO!

Here are some quick specs:
  • 0-100 km/h (60 mph) in 3.9 seconds!!
  • 350 km (220 miles) per charge (4-8 hours depending on 110 or 240v source - standard in homes)
  • Instant torque - 13 000 RPM red line
  • Approx 1 cent per kilometre operating cost (unless you use solar)
  • No toxic outputs (batteries can be recycled), no oil to change, 1 moving part in the engine
  • Circa $109k purchase price (USD - available only in US at the moment)
THIS is the future of short haul travel in style. There are plans to get 999 of these beauties out into the marketplace then begin the development of an SUV-style vehicle for more family oriented consumers.

The only downside I can see at the moment is that you can't have this serviced at any old garage: only Tesla certified engineers can work on it without voiding any sort of warranty. Plus, being only currently available in the US sadly means I won't be getting one any time soon. Hopefully the auto industry will see this as a wake up call and get the fully electric cars out of the production line by 2010.

Uniqueness: 5/5
Interest Factor: 5/5
Stability: 5/5
User Experience: 4/5
Longevity: 5/5

Monday, June 23, 2008

QIK ... Stream Live to the Web via Your Mobile

This was bound to happen sooner or later, and I am actually very interested to see where this service goes. is a streaming video live-to-web service that uses the video camera on your mobile phone (limited to certain, but many models) via your mobile internet connection.

qik is yet another service in the plethora of those available in the ever-growing social media/web 2.0 space. It is based around a community of users that choose to follow or be followed (similar to Twitter in my previous post) but instead of text or pre-cut video, live video(or once-live but now captured) is the medium. You of course set up a user profile and if people find you or your videos interesting, they will 'follow' you and receive updates via the web, mobile, im and other social sites. qik will even push your video directly to YouTube, can link to your video in your Twitter update feeds, or even post updates here to This is all achieved via a small bit of software you download to your mobile by sending an SMS (very straightforward.

Sounds a bit scary, since you cannot edit before airtime, but the applications to this are seemingly endless. Plus, if you live in Australia under antiquated mobile data charge schemes (its painful and expensive), your video updates can cost you a fortune. If you are stuck in a scheme like this, best to reserve your video push via a WiFi connection. (update: Optus is changing their mobile data plans to be linked to wireless broadband - $29 for 1 gig per month!)

I am willing to bet everyone's first video looks pretty much the same (a shot of the first test to prove that it works, usually involving a few seconds of looking at a keyboard, then the screen showing your video, then some random chatter)... yawn .... But once you dig through these you can find some fairly interesting content, if not mildly entertaining. Its surprisingly fast, efficient and very easy to use, so the barriers to entry are quite low.

There is a big community push by early adopters at the moment, which always puts an idea/company/infrastructure thorough its paces. So far things are remaining stable and robust which really does continue to impress me, even though the idea is fairly simple. I am willing to bet that qik will be around for some time and probably bought out by a big player like YouTube before too long.

Anyhow I recommend giving it a try, for no other reason that the novelty factor and showing off your keyboard to the world. What you do with it beyond that ... well, it certainly does add a dimension to vlogging, live news reports, showing your new dog tricks online or keeping your overseas family up to date.

Uniqueness: 3/5
Interest Factor: 4/5
Stability: 4/5
User Experience: 4/5
Longevity: 3/5

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Twitter - Ready for Prime Time?

There's something abuzz in the social media space lately that you may have heard of. is a new-ish 'micro-blogging' service that allows you keep tabs on those people you are 'following' and to allow your followers to keep tabs on you.

Make sense yet? Didn't think so.

If you are a user of Facebook or LinkedIn, you have already seen something similar in action. Close to your profile picture (to the right in FB or underneath in LI) you can fill in the blank as to what you are doing e.g. [Brett is .... doing the dishes] . Simple enough, and generally used for inane, humorous or philosophical statements about your being.

Twitter takes this to the next level, and the users (called 'Tweets') are much, much more imaginative at what they post on their updates. It can be as simple as what you had for lunch, or there can be even more interesting tidbits such as links to interesting websites, stories, images and so on. People will also usually give their opinion on things, quick one-off reviews, quotes, news etc. but within a concise and quippy single sentence.

When you sign up to Twitter, you create a basic profile (like every other social media site) with simple personal details and a photo of yourself. Then you can invite other people from your various email lists by providing Twitter with user account info to say Hotmail, Gmail and the like.

I opted against this as I already bombard my current contact list with initiations to LinkedIn, Plaxo, Xing, FastPitch, e-cademy etc. and judging by the types of users on Twitter (early-adopters, formerly known as lovable geeks) corporate contacts wouldn't be ready to start using this, yet. But spreading the word virally is the lifeblood of social networking startups, so at some point I will, when the time is right.

If you get into Twitter (I am still a newbie .. or n00b as they say) you can see how it can become addictive. It can also work via mobile (web or sms and now even instant messenger) and allow you to update your 'happenings' wherever you are, or receive updates from those you have chosen to follow as they come through. I have yet to turn on the 'receive updates on your mobile' option, as I suspect even getting updates from following a mere 6 people would drive me crazy with constant text message beeping on my Nokia.

I think there is a good future for Twitter in many circles. Its obviously catchy and for the early adopters a great conversation starter. I can see loads of applications already in the marketplace to allow you to interact with Twitter and I am willing to bet there are dozens and dozens of ideas spinning off this new communication methodology (think flirting, networking, tracking etc.).

The only downside to Twitter at the moment is its server reliability. With the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of users updating all over the place, I am not surprised there would be challenges. Also I am of the understanding that Twitter was built using Ruby on Rails, a rapid application development language and framework that wasn't initially meant to scale to 'enterprise' heights. I could be wrong, but maybe the Twitgineers might want to rethink the platform before getting a globe of Tweets hammering away at the service.

Overall I think its a cool little trendy tool that people will flock to and use for a while - but will it have legs or will it be just another pet rock? Time, they say, will surely tell.

Uniqueness: 3/5
Interest Factor: 3/5
Stability: 2/5
User Experience: 4/5
Longevity: 3/5